Analytic Paper on the Novel Disgrace

Analytic Paper on the Novel Disgrace

Analyze Lucy’s actions following Chapter 11 of Disgrace. Why do you think that she behaves the way she does? Do you agree with her choices? Why/ why not?

Please read articles from only the following sources – no Wiki or Internet sites other than the ones listed below:
Published books
Library database – you can use any of the databases, they are fine. I recommend Academic Search Premier.
NY Times
Atlantic Monthly
NPR (National Public Radio)
Google Scholar

Sample Outline for Analytic Papers
I. Intro

1. Title of book (italicized) and author

2. Thesis

3. Something interesting – see if you can connect your topic to modern
times. Is there something relevant that you would like to say here to invite your reader into this paper?

4. Brief overview of your paper – what does an overview look like? Write 3 or 4 sentences about the main points that you are going to analyze in your paper.

II. Section A
Discussion of Point 1. Analyze those scenes which support your first point. You are looking at 20% scene and 80% your thoughts on the scene. Be careful of summarizing, focus on analysis.

III. Section B
Discussion of Point 2. Do the same as the above.

IV. Section C
Discussion of Point 3 and analysis of supporting scenes – same as above.

V. Section D
Discussion of Point 4 and same as above.

VI. Conclusion
Do not summarize in the conclusion. Write about something related but it should not be a summary of what has come before. You may continue the discussion of ‘something interesting’ from the introduction.
You can include a discussion of outside articles from the library database or from a book anywhere in this paper.
Write down the page numbers from the scenes you are analyzing for each of your points before you begin this paper. It will help make this process easier.
Think about how you want to divide this paper. For example, I may choose to do the following:
½ page for intro and ½ page for conclusion = 1 page
Approximately 1 page for each of the points = approx. 4 pages
Making a total of 5 pages (with introduction and conclusion.)
You can divide it as you like, as long as you are meeting the 4 – 6 page requirement.

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