Analyzing the plot of the novel(The Things They Carried), assuming the reader already read the novel. Prompt: Analyzing the plot of the novel (Plot Analysis). Assuming the reader already read the novel. Do not summaries the plot/story again. This must be done with writing a little to a lot.

Analyzing the plot of the novel(The Things They Carried), assuming the reader already read the novel.
Prompt: Analyzing the plot of the novel (Plot Analysis). Assuming the reader already read the novel. Do not summaries the plot/story again. This must be done with writing a little to a lot.
Tips: Determine the writers purpose and audience. What seems to be the writers main purpose? What does the writer assume about the audience?
I have provide an abstract sample, it is just some ideas, feel free to dump it if it is not good.
I have provide the suggest pages for you to work with.
Essay Features:
1.Need to have a clear, arguable thesis:
*Asserts the main idea or claim.
*Is arguable, not a simple statement of fact or an obvious conclusion.
*Is appropriately qualified, not overgeneralized or exaggerated
*Is clearly stated, not vague or ambiguous.
2.Have a well-supported argument
*Reasonsthe supporting ideas or points that develop the essays thesis or main claim;
*Evidence or examples from the story;
*Explanations or analyses showing how the example support the argument
3. Have a clear, logical organization
*Topic sentences introducing paragraph or groups of paragraphs
*Key termswords or phrasesintroduced in the thesis or other introductory text as a way of forecasting the development of the argument; these key terms are repeated strategically throughout the essay.
*clear transitional words and phrases, such as although, in addition, and at the storys beginning.

Before writing
Ask yourself how does the plot structure contribute to generating meaning in the story? Identify the storys opening, climax and ending. Does the arrangement of the main events in the story lead to the ending effectively or not?

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Here is the pages to use.
These are suggestions only! You may find elements of your analytic category in any or all of these tales.
The Lives of the Dead (TTC 213-233)
Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong (TTC 85-110)
Enemies (TTC 59-61) and Friends (TTC 62-63)

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