

1. The ribs elevate and expand on the inhalation – True or False
2. Deep slow breaths activate the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system?
3. The body is a series of stable and mobile joints. Indicate which one is stable and which one is mobile:
a. Ankle – stable or mobile
b. Knee – stable or mobile
c. Hip – stable or mobile
d. Lumbar Spine – stable or mobile
e. Thoracic Spine — stable or mobile
f. Scapula — stable or mobile
g. Gleno-humeral— stable or mobile
h. Cervical Spine – stable or mobile
4. How many vertebras make up the cervical, thoracic and lumbar area of the spinal column?
a. C-12, T-5, L-7
b. C-7, T-12, L-5
c. C-5, T-12, L-7
5. Backbends should be initiated from what part of the spine– cervical, thoracic or lumbar?
6. Name the body parts as you would describe to a student who has never done yoga before and has no background in anatomy.

7. A forward fold is an example of spinal flexion – True or False?
8. Do forward folds require an anterior or posterior tilt of the pelvis?
9. What are the planes of movement? Give an example of a pose (English and Sanskrit) for each plane.
10. What parts of the body should you look at to determine hypermobility?
a. Biceps and triceps
b. Hamstrings and quadriceps
c. Knees and elbows

Yoga Styles
11. Briefly describe Om to a student that has never experienced it before.
12. What are 2 considerations when practicing Partner Yoga?
13. What is one of the main principles of Yin Yoga?
a. Move past your edge
b. It must be practiced for 1 minute
c. It must be practiced cold
d. Come to an appropriate edge
14. Who is the father of Ashtanga Yoga?
a. B.K.S. Iyengar
b. Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
c. T. Krishnamacharya
15. Give examples of how you would add support to this student to make it restorative:
16. What are contraindications for practicing Hot Yoga?
17. What does Kundalini translate to?
a. Energy believed to lie coiled at the base of the spine
b. Energy believed to lie in a triangle at the base of the spine
c. Energy believed to lie coiled at the crown chakra
d. Energy believed to lie coiled in the heart chakra
18. How would you explain Ujjayi breath to a new student?
19. What is a mantra?
20. Of all the meditation techniques we covered, what was the most challenging and why?
21. Briefly teach Tree Pose (Vkrsasana) on the wall.

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Teaching Methodology (demonstration, assist, & verbal cues)
22. Give 3 cues you can use in downward facing dog that you can also use for handstand.
23. What are 3 considerations before you give a physical adjustment to someone in Savasana.
24. Choose a familiar movement (asana or otherwise,) and imagine teaching it to someone two different ways: once using step-by-step detailed instructions, and once using imagery. Which way feels more familiar to you? Can you imagine a population for whom step-by-step would be a good choice? And one for whom imagery would be a good choice?
25. List 3 ways to keep your classroom a safe environment for your students.
26. What is the difference between foot placement for a High lunge and Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)?
27. Give 3 of the most important cues in Mountain pose (Tadasana).
28. What are 3 things to consider when you are demonstrating to your class?
29. List 2 modifications for Reverse Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana).
30. What are 3 common misalignments in Chaturanga Dandasana?
31. Give 2 modifications for Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana 3).
Special Populations
32. A student is 32 weeks pregnant and experiencing a normal pregnancy. She has no major issues and has practiced yoga before. What option can you give her in a vinyasa so she doesn’t compress her belly during cobra or upward facing dog?
33. What are 2 considerations when planning a Kids Yoga class?
34. Three verbal cues or words to avoid when you have someone in class that has PTSD are: surrender, retreat and spread your legs. List 3 poses that you would avoid for someone who had sexual trauma.
35. Name 3 barriers an athlete may have in a yoga class. How could you address these to create a welcoming and non-competitive environment?
36. What are some considerations when planning a Chair Yoga class? Who would be a good target population for a chair class?

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37. Write out the classical version of Surya Namaskara A as taught in the Ashtanga tradition. List just the breath cue (inhale or exhale) and pose name in English and Sanskrit.
38. Create a 5-7 pose sequence designed to strengthen the legs and glutes for a strong and intense yoga class.
39. Create a 5-7 pose sequence to end a beginner or gentle yoga class that focuses on hips.
40. Create a 3 pose sequence to include a prep pose, a back bend and counter pose.
41. List one pose each that is seated, standing, and reclining that stretch the hamstrings.
42. Create a 5-7 sequence of poses that lead up to the pinnacle pose half-moon (Ardha Chandrasana). Just list the pose names.
43. Write a short bio for yourself as a yoga teacher.
44. Aside from Facebook and Instagram, list 3 ways to market yourself as a yoga teacher.
45. Visualize the population you want to teach. Who are they? Where can you teach them? How would you market to them? When is the best time for class for this population?

Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics
46. List the yamas and niyamas in Sanskrit and English.
47. List 3 ways you will practice ahimsa as a teacher and a student.
48. Li
st 3 of your teaching strengths and weaknesses? How would you address your teaching weaknesses?
49. Reflect on your experience with the teacher observations. How did the observations affect your teaching?
50. Where do you see yourself as a teacher 1 year from now and 5 years from now? What steps will you take to get there?

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