
1.Describe Chomskys Linguistic Acquisition Device and how it fits into his Innateness Hypothesis of language acquisition

(10 points)

2.Describe his Critical Period Hypothesis. (10 points)

3.How was Genie discovered, and explain how it was that she was unable to acquire a language within a critical period (15


4.What symptoms did she display of this failure when she was discovered? (15 points)

5.The film speaks of a forbidden experiment. What was that experiment and how was Viktor, a speechless child discovered

in 19th Century France, became a model of that experiment? (15 points)

6.Describe Genies long-term language development over the years since her discovery. Was she able to use a language or

not over the long term> (15 points}

7.Discuss the ethical implications of research conducted in both cases. Did either child benefit from this research or

not, and explain (20 points).
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