Applied Marketing Strategy: Should Lipton expand in premium tea market?

The individual reflection report aims at examining the students’ theoretical and practical knowledge of marketing

strategy. Moreover your critical analysis and argument development skills will be examined. To successfully complete this

task, you need to demonstrate an exemplary understanding of marketing strategies and tactics (theory and practice). To

start your report writing, your first need to define a research topic. You then need to identify three to four key

research questions/objectives in order to more specifically address your research topic. Once you confirmed your research

topic and questions, you then conduct desk research on Google Scholar, and Passport and start your writing based on the

following recommended format (Note: You are encouraged to conduct desk research to identify your research questions too).

Brand: Lipton Tea

Topic: Should Lipton expand in premium tea market?

1. What are the market expansion strategies?
2. What are effective strategies for Lipton (not Unilever) to expand into a premium brand?
3. Should Lipton expand in premium tea market after T2 brand purchased by Unilever?

3 scholarly peer reviewed articles and 3 industry reports from Passport and other databases MUST be integrated throughout

the report. Failure to include the 6 sources will be resulted in a 50% mark deduction.

You have to focus on the topic, answer the questions and follow the format provide. I will provide some literatures,

industry reports and useful resources and data analysis as a reference. They may very help, but you still need to do

enough research about this topic and the brand, which is depending on your work. This report requires a deep analysis and

READ ALSO :   Critical analysis of an individual case study

discussion. Don’t just do general discussion.
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