Applying Biblical Principles

Applying Biblical Principles Template

Part 1
Study Jesus’ parable of the “Good Samaritan” in Luke 10:30–35 (Hint: read Zuck’s (Basic Bible Interpretation) Chapter 9 on parables). Record your content in this document.
1. What did the parable mean (teach) to the hearers in Jesus’ day?
2. What historical and cultural issues are different today?
3. What theological principles can be devised from the parable?
4. How should individual Christians apply the principles today?
Part 2
1. Study the immediate context of Philippians 4:13.
2. Write your own real-world scenario that parallels that of Philippians 4:13.
3. Here are the 3 criteria to use in writing your scenario. Your scenario can be personal but remember the context is that of Paul’s suffering for the Gospel. We all face problems, pain, betrayal and a myriad of other possible calamities just as the unredeemed of the world do.
Element 1: A Christian is involved.
Element 2: The Christian is experiencing a variety of trying circumstances as a result of following Christ faithfully. Recall that Paul was in prison for preaching the gospel when he wrote the letter to the Philippians.
Element 3: How did Christ give this Christian the strength or ability to endure the trials?
4. Your scenario should read like a story with characters and action. It should not read like a report. Word count requirement: 200 words.
Use Basic Bible Interpretation written by Roy B. Zuck Chapter 9 and the NASB version of the BIBLE

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