Architecture History

1. Compare and contrast the architectural complexes at Knossos and Mycenae. How do these complexes reflect the

civilizations that built them? Consider location, building materials, function and societal aspects in your answer.
2. Distinguish the attributes of three architectural orders of Ancient Greece (doric, ionic, corintian). In what Greek

Periods were these orders used? Include one architectural example for each order in your answer. Answer hint: doric –

archaic period – temple of aphaia; ionic – classical period – erechtheion; corinthian – hellenistic period – temple of

olymphian zeus
3. Analyze the structures and the organization of the Acropolis in Athens. What did the construction of the Acropolis say

about Athens position as a city-state during the Classical Period? Name and describe the four structures within the

Acropolis complex (Parthenon, Propylaea, Temple of of Athena Nike, Erechtheion. What is symbolic about their use of Greek

orders and their positioning within the Acropolis?
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