Assignment 2: Hospitality Manager’s Legal Handbook

Assignment 2: Hospitality Manager’s Legal Handbook

Complete the Week 4 Legal Handbook assignment. Post your response to this Discussion Area.

Create a reference guide entitled “Hospitality Manager’s Legal Handbook.”

Each week you will create a section of a reference guide for managing legal issues in a hypothetical hospitality organization. The emphasis in the guide will be on taking preventative measures to avoid litigation. The handbook will include step-by-step action plans on relevant topics such as selecting a hospitality attorney, choosing a form of business organization, developing a strategy for obtaining a liquor license, legally evicting a guest, and planning for a crisis. Each week you will be given assignments to add to your final guide. You are also required to review and comment on the Legal Handbook submissions of at least two other students and post your views in this Discussion Area.

Part 6: Research Alcohol Laws in your State (Washington State)

Research on the Internet the alcohol laws that apply to your state. Then, write a 350–500-word report in which you answer the following questions:
•What agency has responsibility for enforcing alcohol laws?
•What substantive areas does the law cover?
•What are some of the procedural aspects of the law? For instance, do violators have the right to a hearing? How does the license application process work?
•What are some of the penalties for violations?
•How does the law affect hospitality organizations?

You may find the following Web sites helpful:

Also, be sure to visit the Web site for the particular agency you are researching. For example, in Texas you would go to Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

READ ALSO :   Creating a Methodology

After you are finished with your report, complete Part 7 as follows:

Part 7: Develop an Action Plan for Obtaining a Liquor License

Write an action plan in which you outline the steps and strategies you will use as a hospitality manager to obtain a license to serve alcoholic beverages in your establishment. Assume this is the first license application that your organization has ever submitted. Your audience is other managers who are not experienced with the process. Their success, therefore, depends on the plan you write. You may wish to include in your plan an example of one of the forms your state requires. If you believe it will be necessary to consult with an attorney, make that one of your steps and explain why you think an attorney is needed. Include any other management objectives or concerns you think are relevant, including the fees and costs associated with the license.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points

Student submits a report discussing alcohol laws in his/her state.

The report meets the word-count requirement.

Student submits an action plan listing the steps and strategies to obtain a liquor license.

The report and action plan have a professional-looking format.

Student uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Student analyzed the handbooks of two other classmates, providing meaningful comments that advance the discussion.


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