Assignment 2: Hospitality Manager’s Legal Handbook

Assignment 2: Hospitality Manager’s Legal Handbook

Complete the second Legal Handbook assignment. Post your response to this Discussion Area.

Create a reference guide entitled Hospitality Manager’s Legal Handbook.

Each week you will create a section of a reference guide for managing legal issues in a hypothetical hospitality organization. The emphasis in the guide will be on taking preventative measures to avoid litigation. The handbook will include step-by-step action plans on relevant topics such as selecting a hospitality attorney, choosing a form of business organization, developing a strategy for obtaining a liquor license, legally evicting a guest, and planning for a crisis. Each week you will be given assignments to add to your final guide. You are also required to review and comment on the Legal Handbook submissions of at least two other students and post your views in this Discussion Area.

The topics for Week 2 are as follows:

Part 3: Select a Form of Organization for Your Hospitality Business

Choose a form of organization that you believe is best suited for your hypothetical hospitality business. Explain the reasons why you chose that form with a focus on how you intend to work within the limitations it presents. Choose one form from the following: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, C corporation, S corporation, and limited liability company. Appropriate topics for discussion include formation, personal liabilities, tax consequences, ability to raise capital, growth potential, and transfer of ownership shares.

Part 4: Tips for Successful Contract Negotiation

Create a list of ten tips you recommend for successful contract negotiations. Your tips can relate to any type of hospitality agreement including vendor, management, franchise, conference services, or group-lodging contracts. Once completed, your list of negotiation tips will be shared with other managers in your hospitality operation, so make sure the list is written with this audience in mind. Your tips can include specific contract clauses you believe are relevant under the circumstances.

READ ALSO :   Contract Law

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points

Used correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Appropriate use of legal terminology and concepts.

Chose a form of organization with supporting rationale.

Discussed how to avoid limitations of chosen form of organization.

Listed ten tips for successful contract negotiation.

Critiqued the handbooks of two other classmates, providing meaningful comments that advance the discussion.

Included properly cited references using MLA format.


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