

Paper instructions:
I. First, determine what you want to do, (I chose a bread pussing bakery shop). Discuss this idea. Tell why you want to do it and what you expect for growth,

employee numbers, income, etc. both 5 years down the road and 10 years down the road with this business. You have already done most of this part in LU 2. Use your LU 2

discussion thread response to formulate this part of the LU 8 Final Project. II. Second, Review the text Chapters or the internet as to the forms of business – Sole

Proprietorship, Partnership – Limited Partners or not, Corporation or Limited Liability Company. You are to then completely and with substance perform a legal analysis

and analyze and discuss each criteria below. Once you have done that it should yield a decision for you as to your form of business. Your choices are Sole

Proprietorship, Partnership (With/Without Limited Partners), Corporation or Limited Liability Company: 1. Control – How much control of the business do you want? If

you want all control, then you would look towards a form that would give you that. If you are willing to give up control, especially for investment and growth, then

consider that. 2. Tax Considerations – What about tax liabilities? Connecticut does not tax LLC’s. It does have a corporate income tax. Does that matter to you? 3.

Liability for Debt(s) of the business – If the business goes bad or gets sued for more than insurance coverage, will you lose your personal assets; house, bank

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accounts, etc. What forms would protect against that and does it matter to you? 4. Investment Considerations – Who/How will you obtain investment for your business? If

it is a sole proprietorship, it is your credit standing that gets you investment. If it is a corporation, you can sell stock or bonds. 5. Any Other Legal Criteria you

feel relevant – Look through the Chapters in the text we used to cover business forms of Partnership, Corporation and LLC and select advantages/disadvantages, what I

call legal criteria that you believe are relevant. Will your business sell internationally now or in the future. If so you probably would not want a sole

proprietorship. Also, do other nations recognize LLC’s. If not, then you would not want an LLC form. You must completely analyze each criteria above for your project

to be satisfactory. III. Third, select a proper form (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership/Partnership with Limited Partners, Corporation, or LLC) for your business and

discuss the two main reasons why you selected this form from your analysis above.