Assignment 4: The Role of Architecture in Contemporary Culture

35% of total grade
Must be submitted before the Due Date specified at the bottom of this page
To develop students’ skills to analyze the factors that influence architectural design
To increase students’ awareness of the role that architecture can play in society
To develop students’ critical skills in architecture
Students are required to select a case study building, research it and analyze the factors that
influenced the design of that building, and then investigate the role that this building plays in
society and public.
Select a project as a case study
The project can be an Interior space or urban space.
It can be chosen from any culture anywhere in the world
Consult with the professor to confirm the case study
Collect information about the case study
Brief introduction about the building
Architectural characteristics
Building’s function
Brief introduction about the context of the building (Location, Climate condition, buildings
around it)
Brief introduction about the people, culture and religion in the locale it was built
The influence of technology in design
The economic impact of the building on the city/context area
In a reaction paper, discuss how architecture/interior design, and especially the factors that
have been discussed in this course, are interrelated, using your case study as an example of
the role that important buildings playing in the society.
In conclusion students will speculate on and provide ideas/suggestions for future buildings.
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