Assignment: Analysis of wage structures

Assignment: Analysis of wage structures

1. Workers in which occupations (or industries) are paid the most and why?

The purpose of this assignment is assess the extent to which wages vary across labour markets, namely, the wage premium, to different occupations, industries, regions, and public-private sector. Drawing upon the textbook, Chapter 10, in this assignment, address the following points.

a) Describe the regression methodology used to estimate the wage premium.

b) For either occupations or industries, discuss the empirical estimates of the wage premium.

c) Explain why workers in some occupations or industries are paid more highly.

Presentation of the assignment
1. On left side, and top of the first page, provide a title, your name, student ID, course number and name, and the date.

2. The report should be a maximum of 2 pages including the charts, using normal margins (1 inch left and right sides), and Times New Roman, 12pt font.

3. Ensure you provide cite information fully and appropriately.