Assignment Brief Two – Individual Management Consultancy Report

Assignment Brief Two – Individual Management Consultancy Report

As a member of a management consultancy team, having just completed a brief for your client, you are required to submit an individual report to your supervisor at the consultancy firm.

This report should be 3,000 words in length ,Assessment Criteria for Written Work at Level Three.
This report is designed to be an illustration of how you put management consultancy theory into practice and should be structured as follows:

1) Title page
2) Executive summary
3) Contents page
4) Introduction to the report overall (please refer to the terms of reference in
the first paragraph above)
5) Main body (as below)

Part One (not more than 1,000 words)
? Based on one of the Consulting Process models (Cockman or Wickham)
give a critically commented breakdown of your consultancy project.
Part Two (approx 2,000 words)
? Analytical, reflective observations, relating academic theory to practice on the following aspects of consultancy theory and practice, paying particular attention to work, both within your team and individually.

(a) Teamwork
(b) Project Management
(c) Analytical & Creative Problem Solving
(d) Consulting Modes
(e) Confrontation & Conflict
(f) Ethical Issues
6) Conclusion, drawing together an overall conclusion and personal reflection on the success of the project from a professional perspective.
7) Bibliography
8) Appendices

N.B. Assessment will pay particular attention to the following aspects:
1) Depth and breadth of research and reading on theoretical aspects
2) Demonstrationofinsightandanalytical,independentthoughtandanalysis 3) Use of appropriately referenced, relevant information
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