Astronomy (and other Space Sciences)

Astronomy (and other Space Sciences)

The topic for your essay is a current event in science.

Directions: Read through several recent scientific magazines (suggested publications: Science, National Geographic, Discover, New Scientist, Scientific American, or Nature).Pick out one article which relates directly to a topic covered within this Earth Science class (published within the last three years). We covered in class stuff like Minerals & Rocks, Weathering, Mass Wasting, & the Water Cycle, Water & Glaciers, and Plate Tectonics. You can choose any topic from those and search about it. Please give me good quality sources and include it in the work cited page.

The instructions of the essay that given from my teacher: Essays must be typed,
work cited Page,
Author’s name and discussion of author qualifications,
Summary of the article – IN YOUR OWN WORDS,
A CRITIQUE of the data, results, and conclusions of the article – IN YOUR OWN WORDS,
NOTE: to critique is to analyze the pros and cons of the article – is the author presenting good science or just opinion? – is the author a recognized expert? – how could the article be improved?
Answer the following questions:
How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole?
How does this article relate to my life?
Essays will be submitted via Blackboard’s Safe Assign (checks for plagiarism)

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