Behavior Modification Paper

Behavior Modification Project For this assignment. you will propose a plan for changing a behavior and then later, after implementing program, moon on its results. There are 3 inflection papers that make up this project (see below). Fomutting. Each paper will be I SS – pages. double spaced, 12 pt. fonts midi I inch margins.
Paper It Planning 2 Identify a target behavior to to modified, either an undesirable behavior that you would like to eliminati desirable behavior Mat they would like to strengthen. (Pody habits, aponing skills, health habits, or person interaction skills). tie concrete and specific with you-target behavior- if you want to lose weight….how will you go a this (ego walk 3 days a week). 2. You should also describe why you want to change the behavior and what benefits change will bring. 3. Next, carefully design a program for modifying the behavior. You will need to create a daily self-observe log to help you loop track of your behavior.. ok to use an outside source (e.g., weight watchers, titbit etc. but you must inchde n grophtcharbtable of your progress-or lack of progress! The than for the final paper not be completin—but g ill be used to monitor future progress.
Paster 2: Proem. You should include your COMM: I PO self tbseoption log lire the past 2 months. Ansper the following questions, What specilic Nil, and Pgategicy have you used have used to implement to change he., Put who are Me possible ob.,• gondola in the way to your goal orchanging the target behavior and 11,s 01.meg:outing Mese obstacles, Include ahem., cs you coutd try for the next month if h,g, er,•erima ow mo ou planned. )log you Pill maintain commitment and prevent relapse?
Pane,: as, You mould include • Ans., the Him, in to help you maintain figure.
CONIP1.1, FPI)goMcnutiun log for. past several non c,tionst to what dept., mt. mM1c program suce,struP If you si ch mg, irk ‘Popo,. an attemativg plan that rightbe
dot. ProPose a plan succmsfulilithe

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