Behavioral Neuroscience

The text we are using is Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience 8th edition by Carlson.

Answer questions in detail, not just quick answers. Need to see Neuroscience understanding and knowledge. (Pathways, etc) No need to include

question with answer just number the answers 1 through 5 followed with answer. No need for double spacing. Answers will be detailed.
1. Anwer
2. answer
We are referencing Chapter 12 (through page 349 in 8th edition) on the biological basis of learning and memory. We will focus on the sections

on long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). These mechanisms underlie most of the learning you experience throughout your


1. Long-term potentiation is now believed to be the neural mechanism underlying associative learning. Describe the phenomenon of LTP with

reference to the experimental conditions that produce it.

2. Describe clearly how LTP depends upon paired stimulus presentations (e.g., as Pavlovian conditioning does) for it to occur. You might

approach this from why LTP would NOT occur if the “strong” (US) and “weak” (CS) were either unpaired in time or presented backwards (US followed

by a CS).

3. Describe the role on the NMDA receptor in LTP. Make it clear that the sequence of events matches those for LTP.

4. Discuss the evidence for new synaptic growth during LTP.

5. What is the significance of LTD (long-tern depression)? Why would we need neural mechanisms that resulted in decreased connectivity?
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