Big Data Analysis

Big Data Analysis
Read the article, Bottles, K. Begoli, E. and Worley, B. (2014) “Understanding the Pros and Cons of Big Data Analytics” , PEJ, pp. 6-12 . – BigDataProsCons.pdf. <br /> <br /> The vast availability and mining of new sources of data that is “personally identifiable” data on the internet is allowing organizations to use it for “secondary purposes” and discover patterns and information about people that can seem shocking. In addition to the examples given in the article, other examples of data that are commonly recorded on individuals include: (a) individual’s newsgroup postings, emails and messages, (b) an individual’s actions as he or she navigates the Web with a browser and (c) information collected from web site registrations. Data can be purchased for less than a penny a record. Currently there are no limits to data retention on the internet and no limits on how the data can be mined. Each organization gets to decide who gets access to the data, how the data is processed, how it is shared and merged with data from other sources.<br /> <br /> Discuss the implications of the lack of controls over the available data and its use by commercial organizations.<br /> How does this impact your opinion of using the internet both as a (a) consumer and as a (b) business user seeking to sell to consumers?<br /> Considering the issues with data accuracy, secondary use of the collected data and need to protect the rights of users of web services such as Facebook, email, etc. What changes would you suggest to address the “abuse” of data on the internet?<br /> <br /> Please write your answer under the questions<br /> the Sources:-<br /> 1- Schniederjans, M.J., Schniederjans, D.G. and Starkey, C.M. (2014), Business Analytics Principles, Concepts and Applications, Pearson. ISBN-13: 978-013-355218-8<br /> 2-From the Expert ( I upload ) .<br /> 3-BigDataProsCons
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