Book Club Review

Lewis, Amanda E. (2003). Race in the schoolyard: Negotiating the color line in classrooms and communities. Rutgers University Press.
The questions about the book:
Theoretical Framework and Epistemology: In what way does the author frame the work within some form of theoretical framework?
Which epistemological perspective most closely fits the author’s approach to the study? What assumptions (expressed or evident) lend support to this epistemological approach?
Methods: What methods are used to gather the necessary information?
Why were these methods chosen?
What do you think were their strengths and weaknesses?
Analysis: How were the data analyzed?
If multiple forms of analysis were used, how were these integrated to form a conclusion?
Argument: Is there a central argument? If so how does it guide the presentation of the work?
How well does the author persuade the reader with his or her argument? How is the conclusion linked to the data?
Evidence: How adequate is the information provided to move the central argument forward?
Researcher Role: What is the role of the researcher? What is his/her relationship with participants?
How,if at all, does the author present and include his or her subjectivities? Style: Is the text clearly written and accessible?
Conclusion: What are your thoughts and reactions to this work? – provide a brief overall assessment of how well you think the author accomplished his or her goal.

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