Brand community

A brand must use consumer participation to shape the fundamentals of what it offers people, and constantly keep up with changing needs. Brand and consumer must be on the same side and sometimes they are not. Services marketing is no longer about marketing to customers, it’s about engaging with and among customers. Discuss with reference to brand communities.

This is an essay based on scholarly journal article research, theory and critical evaluation/synthesis (not mere description). You must support your answer with a minimum of 6 journal articles (can be peer reviewed or otherwise but must be from sources classified as Journals).


•A minimum of 10 journal articles-(4 of which have to be definitions of Brand community, service quality, customers trust, customer involvement) when these are defined they all must relate back to brand community as it is the main theme then whatever else is used as a reference must relate to brand communities.

•Full Harvard author-date referencing is required (in-text citations, and reference list).

•Brand examples may be discussed, but only if they are cited within the content of the journal articles that have been selected for use. Personal and subjective examples may not be used.

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