
This assignment has two distinct parts:
(a) Ten journal entries submitted on a weekly basis; and
(b) A reflection on the key points of learning throughout the module.
Part A
You should write a short (around 250 words) journal entry on a weekly basis, starting in week 2 and finishing in week 13, except weeks 9 and 10. This means you are expected to submit 10 journal entries in total.
Each of your journal entries should include the following:
• A short summary of the topic and the seminar activity.
• The key points from the seminar
• The additional reading / reading undertaken
• The key lessons for you from the lecture, the seminar and the additional reading
Part B
Having completed the individual portfolio entries, the other element of the portfolio requires you to reflect on the main lessons you have learned about the global marketing context drawing on your individual portfolio entries.
This element of 2000 words should provide:
• An informed discussion and critical analysis of the topics covered based on the lectures and seminars and also your independent research drawing on a range of quality academic sources. This should include identifying implications for global/international marketing strategy and recommendations for global marketing management;
• An explicit reflection on the key lessons for you both in terms of module content and your approach to learning. This reflection should include how you will use the key lessons moving ahead in your career.

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