
Learning Outcomes
100% coursework, submitted as a portfolio, to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
1. Understand what is meant by ‘corporate social responsibility’, ‘sustainability’, ‘corporate citizenship’, ‘business ethics’ and appreciate their development and differences;
2. Identify the opportunities for and barriers to CSR thinking and sustainable practices in a range of business sectors
3. Reflect on how transparency, or lack of, affects their opinion of some well-known business brands.
4. Analyse what businesses report, how they report and how they compare to others within the same industry

Aim & Objective
To demonstrate an understanding of sustainability and responsibility in organisations and critique how they enact these principles.

1) You must create an online portfolio to support your written report. The portfolio should document your in class discussions, thoughts and ideas to support your written submission.

2) You are required to develop an individual writtenportfolio to:
• Provide a summary of the development of CSR using appropriate case studies.

For two businesses of your choice:
• Identify the potential drivers for and barriers to CSR activity the businesses and their sectors of your choice
• Reflect on how transparency, or lack of, affects your opinion of their brand
• Analyse what they report, how they report and how they compare to others within the same industry (you may choose to focus on one element of CSR)
• Reflect on your chosen career pathway (as identified through one job description) and how an understanding of CSR could support your application and interview.

Word Count: Not more than 2000 words (±10%) Assignments that are more than 10% over the word limit will result in a deduction of 10% of the mark i.e. a mark of 60% will lead to a reduction of 6% to 54%”.

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Marking Criteria

Element % of Mark
Provides a summary of the development of CSR using appropriate case studies. 10%
Identifies drivers and barriers to CSR activity appropriate to the business and sector case studies chosen. 10%
Reflection on transparency and how it affects your perception of the brand and your purchasing decisions 20%
Critique of reporting 10%
Reflection on how an understanding of CSR could support in the application/interview process and is clearly linked to a specified Job Description. 20%
Presentation: Structure, layout, spelling, punctuation, grammar and use of CU Harvard referencing 10%
Online portfolio shows engagement with in class activities 20%
Health and Safety
There are no health and safety issues associated with this coursework.