Business Law

select a narrow topic or issue you would like to research and analyze related to the subjects we have covered since the last exam: Business Organizations, Corporations, Duties of Managers (Business Judgment Rule); Securities Law, Consumer Protection (advertising) or Anti-trust law. You should select a ?business minded question or issue? related to the subject, and research that topic. Then, prepare a ?business minded? memo addressed to the CEO of the Company providing your advice. You may rely on the course materials (including the text book and PowerPoint slides), and of course you should do outside research as well.

You should find the cases to support your idea from LexisNexis academic.

You can use the ?FIRAC? method, draft your cases as outlined below:

1. Facts: Briefly summarize the facts in your own words making clear what role was played by each of the named parties in the lawsuit.

2. Issue: Identify the factual issue(s) the case raises.

3. Rule: Identify the holding and result of the court (Did it find one or more parties liable? Did it affirm or reverse a lower court decision?). Make sure you explain the result reached by the lower court and how that decision is affected by the appellate decision.

4. Analysis: Summarize in your own words the reasoning of the court ?why did it decide the way it decided. This section should be the largest.

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