Business Studies

Part 1
Critique the Professionals Locate an example online of a negative-news message from any company. Possible examples include announcements of prod- uct recalls, poor fi nancial results, layoff s, and fi nes or other le- gal troubles. Analyze the approach the company took; was it the most eff ective strategy possible? Did the company apologize, if doing so would have been appropriate under the circumstances, and does the apology seem sincere? Does the tone of the mes- sage match the seriousness of the situation? Does the message end on a positive note, as appropriate? Using whatever medium your instructor requests, write a brief analysis of the message (no more than one page), citing specifi c elements from the piece and support from the chapter.

part 2
Sharpening Your Career Skills Online B ovée and Th ill’s Business Communication Web Search, at http://, is a unique re- search tool designed specifi cally for business communication re- search. Use the Web Search function to fi nd a website, video, PDF document, podcast, or PowerPoint presentation that off ers advice on writing messages that convey negative information. Write a brief email message to your instructor, describing the item that you found and summarizing the career skills information you learned from it
Part 3

Summary report – half page.

Activity Details

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Use the Internet to research the various cultural considerations when conveying bad news.

Step 2: Write a ½-page report summarizing the methods for conveying bad news across cultures.

Using the software predetermined by your instructor, write a summary of the articles that you found related to communicating bad news across cultures. Make sure to properly cite any articles used.

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