Business Writingt

Business Writingt
Identify a specific job title or position that a variety of companies you might become interested in working for would be likely to offer to potential employees. ( Job title chosen: Human Resources Assistant )

Learn more about the nature of the job. Find specific information about required certifications or other necessary experience and qualifications. Collect information about typical salary ranges and career paths. If you haven’t already done so, look into the latest Occupational Outlook Handbook, sponsored by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is available either online or in hard copy. Learn how to use the handbook, and get familiar with it. It will come in handy for job searching later. Search it for specific job titles and occupations.

Find 2high-reliability industry journals articlesthat relate to your potential career area of interest. Industry journals can help you better understand what’s going on in the employment field in which you are interested. They report information that interests people who are already working in your field, so it is a very good idea to get to know what those journals report.

Once you have identified the journals that would be of interest to those who work in your field, skim through several typical recent issues. Find articles that interest you, and collect brief summaries of the information those articles offer. Be sure to document the sources of that information
very carefully.

Use those articles to discover what the people in the field you hope to be employed in are discussing in those journals:
What problems are foreseen, and what specific subjects are of interest to those who work in your chosen field? What are the experts in your field predicting will be important to them and their businesses? What specific actions are they discussing among themselves, that they believe will improve their businesses?


Then, write a report of the information you’ve found. The document should be an Information Report memo, which includes brief summations of the information you previously included in your presentation and Article Summary, expanded upon with the new information you’ll gather. It should discuss the nature of the work, working conditions, necessary qualifications, future job outlook for the occupation, and the most significant matters of current interest to people who are currently working in the career field.

All information you report should be informally cited.

Present as much information as you possibly can, and do so in 1-2 pages (do not exceed two pages). This will require extra effort at writing concisely. If you find that those journals are discussing too many subjects for you to cover in a limited paper the length of the one you will write, then concentrate on the matters you discover that interest you most.

For a fuller description of how Information Reports work and what they tend to include, and to assist you with formatting, read or re-read chapter 9. Use the information that chapter offers to settle upon an efficient and effective format for the Information Report.

There is particularly valuable information on pages 247-255 (9th edition), or on pages 265-275 (10th edition), about purposes, patterns and formats for Information Reports. Use those sections of the chapter for assistance in constructing your report.

Obviously, your section headings will be different from those shown: use headings that describe what each particular section in your report is about.

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Proofread your report very carefully, and edit it to be as grammatically correct and polished a piece of writing as you can make it.