Capitalism and Poverty

Capitalism and Poverty

First of all, I do not have time to provide you an extension after the due time. This work must not be hard for you to complete them all in 6 hours. You must read the book "Taking Sides: Crashing Views on Social Issues.
16th edition
Kurt Finsterbusch (ed.)
McGraw Hill" but not all the book just issue(chapter 11 and 13)

Taking Sides: Issue 11 “Does Capitalism undermine democracy?”

Taking Sides: issue 13 “Has the Welfare System Benefited the Poor?”
—- and write down two pages of ->

1) make one paragraph summary of the Yes and No camp’s argument respectively, 2) Give two points on which their opinions differ.

For each chapter. You must write this as easy as possible which means write the paper by very easily with simple sentence structure and grammar. It must be seemed like easy to everybody!

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