Case analysis of a local company, analyzing significant organizational behavior challenges that exist for the company

Case analysis of a local company, analyzing significant organizational behavior challenges that exist for the company

Each group of 3 students is to write a case analysis of a local company (United Arab Emirates(Can be a multinational company)), analyzing significant organizational behavior challenges that exist for the company, using topics presented throughout the semester (see subject schedule topics for possible foci for the case analysis). In this case study you are required to apply the knowledge that you have acquired in the subject, specifically with respect to how you can better facilitate employee’s integration into the organization, both from a micro and macro perspective. Thus, all cases should include analysis of individual, group, and organizational-level challenges (any variations should be approved by your lecturers).
While writing the case study, you should be sure you include the following components, but it is up to your group how you choose to order your paper. As well, be sure to write a clear and engaging introduction which not only outlines your paper structure and substance, but also inspires your reader to read the rest of your paper! Your conclusion should also be summative of the major issues identified in the paper body, helping your reader to identify the key “take home messages” from your analysis. Upon conclusion of your paper writing, you should also write a 250-300 word executive summary of the paper’s major findings and recommendations. (See additional helpful hints posted on class website and cited towards end of this outline). Remember, you may present the following components in any order that best supports your argument.
Step 1: Briefly describe the organization/department in terms of the basic structure and functions with a brief outline of the work-flow processes. Be sure to specifically link the structures and processes you identify to the organizational behavior issues you will analyze. (E.g. information provided about the company should support and be integrated into your overarching analysis). The paper introduction should also clearly identify paper focus (e.g. problem identification), as well as explain reason for choosing organization (e.g. significance of problem/case). All papers should clearly frame analysis around organizational structure, culture, and environment.
Step 2: Identify any relevant issue the organization/department is dealing with which is having an impact on the individual and groups within the organization/department. These issues can include but are not limited to perception, attitude, motivation, group dynamics, team processes, job satisfaction and commitment, problem-solving and decision-making, power and politics issues, leadership issues, structural or cultural issues, and dynamics associated with organizational change.
Step 3 : Critically analyze the organization/department (with the help of the various theoretical frameworks that you have studied during the course and the available documented literature) in terms of the selected theme/s explaining in detail the nature of the issue, the individual, group or organizational factors that are facilitating or inhibiting progress on these issues. It is expected that in order to collect this data, it may be useful to conduct discussions with the relevant people within the organization/department to understand clearly the nature of the issue. Copies of e-mails, records of interviews or other forms of organizational communication are acceptable. Groups should be sure that at least nine scholarly sources are used as a basis for analysis of the identified issues at the individual, group, and organizational level.
Step 4: Offer recommendations and solutions or an action plan for your organization/department based on your assessment, again using the frameworks studied throughout the subject, as well as using additional scholarly sources of your choosing, to provide practical solutions to the identified problem(s). Recommendations should be actionable and practical (e.g. not too costly or labor-intensive to implement).
Please ensure that the report, besides being based on primary data from the organization, is analyzed in the context of scholarly literature in the field of organizational behavior. A significant portion of your report marks will be derived from an assessment of the suitability and scholarliness of your selected articles. (In other words, you will be assessed on how well the articles selected support analysis of the issues you’ve identified as problematic in your case description). Thus, papers should engage at least 10 scholarly sources, preferably recent journal articles, to provide evidence to support paper argument and analysis. Websites do not count as scholarly sources. Simply listing references without substantive application to support analysis will result in a poor paper result.

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