Case scenario Investigation

You have been hired by the Smiley Town police department to investigate a possible intrusion to their computer network.

E-mails between the chief and members of the police force have been appearing on local blogs, Twitter, and on Facebook.

There has also been a private internal report of an on-going corruption investigation that was published by a local

reporter. The chief wishes for you to determine if a break-in has occurred and if so, to try to determine who is

responsible so that they may be brought to justice. Assume that the network uses a username and password to log-in and

that there is a firewall being used.

For this question: Brainstorm the problem and create a rough outline of what you would need to do to conduct an

investigation of the possible intrusion. Think about the investigation from as many different angles as you can. You

should address the resources that you will need to conduct the investigation, including the human resources needed, the

sources of evidence you will need to gather, and the format and potential location of evidence.
After creating the outline, spend the rest of the time expanding on what you will need to do in greater detail. Be sure

to address potential problems and limitations you may encounter.

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