Case Study of Mike

Below is the Case Study of Mike. I need 1 slide with an overview of his case and 1 slide with a risk assessment of the

case. The Case of Mike Mike is a 20-year-old male who has just recently been released from jail. Mike is technically on

probation for car theft, though he has been involved in crime to a much greater extent. Mike has been identified as a

cocaine user and has been suspected, though not convicted, for dealing cocaine. Mike has been tested for drugs by his

probation department and was found positive for cocaine. The county has mandated that Mike receive drug counseling but

the drug counselor has referred Mike to your office because the drug counselor suspects that Mike has issues beyond

simple drug addiction. In fact, the drug counselors notes suggest that Mike has Narcissistic personality disorder. Mike

seems to have little regard for the feelings of others. Coupled with this is his complete sensitivity to the comments of

others. In fact, his prior fiance has broken off her relationship with him due to what she calls his constant need for

admiration and attention. He is completely self-centered. After talking with Mike, you quickly find that he has no close

friends. As he talks about people who have been close to him, he discounts them for one imperfection or another. These

imperfections are all considered severe enough to warrant dismissing the person entirely.Mike makes a point of noting how

many have betrayed their loyalty to him or have otherwise failed to give him the credit that he deserves. When asked

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about getting caught in the auto theft, he remarks that well my dumb partner got me out of a hot situation by driving me

out in a stolen get-a-way car. (Word on the street has it that Mike was involved in a sour drug deal and was unlikely to

have made it out alive if not for his partner.) Mike adds, you know, I plan everything out perfectly, but you just cannot

rely on anybody . . . if you want it done right, do it yourself. Mike recently has been involved with another woman

(unknown to his prior fiance) who has become pregnant. When she told Mike he said tough, you can go get an abortion or

something, it isnt like we were in love or something. Then he laughed at her and told her to go find some other guy who

would shack up with her. Incidentally, Mike is a very attractive man and he likes to point that out on occasion. Yeah, I

was going to be a male model in L. A., but my agent did not know what he was doing . . . could never get things settled

out right . . . so I had to fire him. Mike is very popular with women and has had a constant string of failed

relationships due to what he calls their inability to keep things exciting. As Mike puts it hey, I am too smart for this

stuff. These people around me, they dont deserve the good life cause theyre a bunch of dummies. But me, well I know how

to run things and get over on people.

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