Case Study on Timothy Mcveigh

a.Summarize the case, including a description of the offense(s), the investigation, and the outcome (such as the trial and sentencing).
b.Analyze the psychological history or path that took the criminal to commit his or her crime(s). Describe the psychological, behavioral, environmental, and cognitive factors that you believe led to the offender’s criminality. Consider the various theories we have discussed in class including the psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theory, the behaviorist/social learning theory, the cognitive/social cognitive theory, and the humanist and interactionist theories, and provide examples. The goal here is to provide an analysis of the psychological history or path that took the criminal to commit his or her crime(s). Explain the impact of social, psychological, and biological theories of aggression on your chosen criminal’s behavior.
c.Describe the crime typology. Did the offender have a personality disorder that might have played a role in the criminal behavior? If so, explain and provide examples and supporting references. Discuss the laws that are in place for protecting individuals with mental disorders.
d.Describe whether your case study was a homicide offender or sexual offender. Discuss the typology (i.e., single murderer, serial murderer, spree murderer, mass murderer, child molester, or rapist).
e.If applicable, discuss whether your offender was given a competence to stand trial evaluation, or was found to be not guilty by reason of insanity. Examine the ethical issues concerning evaluation and treatment of competence to stand trial and not guilty by reason of insanity cases.
f.Discuss the ethical issues surrounding the case.
g.Support the outcome of the case with your analysis or provide support of the alternative. 3.Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
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