CATEGORY ONE: Essay Writing

Write an organized essay (maximum 250 words) about this topic:

Why English composition classes should be required at Al Faisal University.


CATEGORY TWO: Language and Culture
Write an organized essay (maximum 250 words) about this topic:
Differences in English and Arabic may influence the way speakers perceive the world. You may refer to the video we watched as ONE example that you cite, but you must provide at least two others from your reflections on language and culture.

Create a bibliography from the following sources. You may need to do some electronic research to figure out how to cite some of these more modern sources. You can use either MLA or APA, but you must be consistent:

1. You wrote a book called In the Wadi of Forgetfulness. It was published last year by Big Books, Inc. in Alkhobar, KSA.
2. You read an article by Charles Hall entitled “Mountains of Plastic” on his website (URL) that you accessed on May 14, 2015 at
3. Yasser Altamimi wrote a chapter called “Ships of the Desert” that was published in Abdelsalam Aldruby’s book entitled The Great Peninsula on pages 26-37. That book was published in 1932 by Caravan Press in Jeddah.
4. You read a book on your KINDLE entitled Arabian Days that was written by Sherazade Jones in 1898.

CATEGORY FOUR: Discourse Analysis
Explain the choices the speaker in the following one side of a telephone dialogue has made in terms of intentionality, situationality, and contexuality.
In this dialogue “ … “ means the other person is talking as in this one side of a telephone conversation:
Sam: Ben? …. Not again. … Can’t you ever be on time? You can be such an idiot. … When? … No, that’s too late. … I’m already at the airport. … I don’t care what happened. Our plane leaves at 7pm … Forget it, I will go by myself. … No this time I am serious. … No, I’m not waiting. Goodbye.
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