Change Management

1. Explore key elements of leading change from the middle, in a strong 
successful culture where there is no sense of

2. Identify obstacles or barriers to change, diagnose how they create 
resistance to change, and assess how to reduce or

overcome them.
3. Identify conditions that enable or accelerate organisational change, 
including developing readiness for change and

building a coalition for 
4. Understand and diagnose the roles of informal relationships, social 
networks and organisational culture in behaviour,

and how they can facilitate or impede a change initiative.

Assignment Questions
NOTE: You must use relevant theories, frameworks, models, tools, and techniques from the course to support your arguments

in each question.

1. How effective has Jess been in taking charge as assistant product owner at Kauflauf?
2. Why did her first attempt to change sales call patterns fail?
3. Does her proposal to change call patterns make sense? Why or why 
4. What actions should she take to ensure that her next attempt to 
change call patterns would succeed?
5. What change strategy would you use?
6. What would be your implementation plan?

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