Chapter 7 – Assignment 3

**USE Only Book ISBN – 9780078026720 Title: Sociology A Brief Introduction 10th edition Authors: Schaefer, Richard T


READ Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Assignment 3

Be sure to include any questions number in you answer. Look at how the questions is asked and answer it the same way.
10 points
Use both your text and this website:
Answer the following questions:
Capital punishment provides an illustration of the issues raised by the use of coercive forms of social control. Only recently

(during the twentieth century in some nations) has the death sentence come to be thought of as barbaric.
At this website, click on these two Tabs: Facts and Issues. Also use the link at the top right, Death Penalty Fact Sheet

1. List 3 facts from each of the three that you found interesting
2. Anything surprise you?
3. Which countries other than the United States allow capital punishment?
4. What is the United States position on capital punishment?
5. Which US states don’t have capital punishment?
6. Which states have the most executions?
7. How many executions take place in the United States a year?
8. What evidence can you find on the deterrent effect of capital punishment? In other words, is capital punishment an

effective deterrent? What evidence would you use – site your sources!
9. What evidence can you find that indicates a racial component? (Use your text as well as the links above)
10. How would you answer the question: Is capital punishment cruel and unusual punishment? This is your opinion.
11. Any other issues you found that are important?

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