Child Psychology

Imagine you are a professional who has been asked to work with the child and family outlined in the story below. You can

choose to be any relevant professional, i.e. an educational psychologist; a support worker; a teacher etc.

Afina is a six year old girl. Her family came to the UK from Iraq when she was 2 years old, and were finally granted

asylum two years later. Afina is very reluctant to go to school. The school says she gets very upset when her mother

leaves her, and sometimes she damages school property. At school the teacher says Afina has trouble concentrating, will

not focus on tasks or wait her turn. Alfina’s parents are confused because their daughter is not like this at home –

where she is relatively calm and amuses herself. The school doesn’t know what to do and so has sought your help.

How would you approach beginning to work with Afina, her family and school? What theories and approaches from child

psychology and/or more widely might you draw upon to guide your practice, and why?
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