Choose a health issue that you would like to improve (e.g. sleep, diet, exercise). Briefly explain your situation and use research to explain the reason change is needed in this area (i.e. positive effects of changing the behaviour/negative effects of current situation) and strategies for change.

Choose a health issue that you would like to improve (e.g. sleep, diet, exercise). Briefly explain your situation and use research to explain the reason change is needed in this area (i.e. positive effects of changing the behaviour/negative effects of current situation) and strategies for change.


? There are two (2) questions needs to be answered.
? Each essay must be 750 words
? Each question must be in separate file.
? Five (5) references for each essay
? As these are two separate essays, there must be two separate reference lists.
? However, please include both essays within the separate file
First question

1: Choose a health issue that you would like to improve (e.g. sleep, diet, exercise). Briefly explain your situation and use research to explain the reason change is needed in this area (i.e. positive effects of changing the behaviour/negative effects of current situation) and strategies for change.
Second question

2: What are some of the sleep issues present in our modern society? What risks are associated with them?

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