Christian Theological Tradition

The christian tradition has developed significantly over the past 2000 years. In this paper our task is draw out development related to two of our study them ( Creation – God – Jesus – Church;people of god – revelation ) and discuss their theological relevance within the christian tradition.

Use the following texts for sources:

+ Paul’s Letter to the Galatians or Martydom of Perpetua.

+ Showings or Summa Theologiae .

+ On Christian Liberty or Documents of the Council of Trent.

Few hint:

– try to focus on just a couple of significant developments related to themes and well supported by the three texts that i gave you, rather than trying to cover everything.

– utilize the three primary texts to support your original ideas about christian theology’s development.

– when discussing the relevance, address why the developments are important.

– don’t use any other sources, citations of the primary texts should be included where relevant.

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