cinema by machines

cinema by machines
A personal essay which is for my own references, the reason I am ordering this is, to get different opinions.

Please write an essay about cinema which is controlled by the machines. How would it look like and what would be the most significant element of it.

I have listed some topics below, which must be discussed in the essay, they will be used for supporting elements
a)Birth of cinema, the main reasons why it became popular..for instance gabriel garcia marquez said that cinema was the invention of the century…

b)Searching for genres, new discoveries in genres according to the social and technical background of the places

– Evolution of cinema , specially in Europe. Cinema became a strong emotion narrating tool if we study the various cinematic movements like surrealism, neo realism, social realism, etc..

– Few directors to support the part above,Polish directors, or Haneke, bruno dumont, gasper noe , peter greenaway, etc

– Improvements in Cinema, such as technical or etc

-Do a research of Machine based world in films, or instance in terminator where everything is controlled by the machines, or Transformers. Stephen Hawking recently implied that we are getting closer to the machine controlled world.

– After getting all these information, imagine a world which is controlled by machines, and they have the control of every human being activities, similar to geroge orwell’s 1984

How would a machine make films, assuming that they have the ultimate technology?

I believe they could only make propaganda films, like Leni Riefenstahl did for Nazi Germany, in order to show how strong the Nazi Germany was, because machines do not contain emotions, a film to refer Equilibrium…If you have a different opinion please do explain why


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