classic mythology

classic mythology
To participate, write a 400 – 600 word response to the prompt given below. Support your argument with examples and direct quotations from the text(s). Be sure to use quotation marks for all direct quotes. Cite quotes and examples — include line numbers and/or page numbers in parenthesis after your quotes and examples. Use complete sentences and paragraphs, not bullet points or lists. PROOFREAD YOUR WORK.

Discussion Question Eight:

Compare the trial of Orestes at the end of The Eumenides with the trial staged by the maids in The Penelopiad. How is the idea of justice depicted in each? What kind of evidence is presented, and how do the trials proceed? In what ways do the transformations of the Furies parallel the transformations of the maids? Do the two works portray different understandings of justice with these scenes? Do you think justice is done in either, in neither, or in both?

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