Communication and Mass Media

Communication and Mass Media
a. What do you call the pricing strategy when ou are sitting in a plane for which you paid $199 for your seat yet the person right next to you paid $759? Is the pricing strategy customer focused? Why or why not?

b. Why can some marketers raise their prices and not lose market share?
c. How do value delivery networks benefit customers?

d. Using examples, describe selective, intensive and exclusive distribution strategies.
e. How has the internet changed the nature of the logistics function?
f. What are the advantages of developing an InngtegratedMarkting Communications strategy?

g. What are the advantages of social media over traditional media?

h. Which of the promotion budget methods do yuo think would be the most logical for most marketers and why?
i. Having analyzed the criminal justice system throughout this semester, why do you believe people commit crime?

j. Which criminological theories best explain why people violate laws passed to protect lives and property?
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