Company Analysis

Company Analysis

Evaluate the economic, social and environmental impact of visitor space by reference to planning, finance and transport infrastructure
Discuss the significance of culture and belief systems to the provision, management and visitation of leisure spaces
In this final assessment you are to produce a short paper in report style of four sides A4 in length which is notionally directed to a client organization which could be conceptualized as a developer/investor, specialist consultancy or non-governmental organization which wishes to participate in the development of the sector/region..

The purpose of the paper is to summarize the main findings of your investigation into your own region/sector ( SeaWorld San Diego), and those of neigbouring countries and their sectors.

The report should briefly evaluate the state of development of the sector and market, and the local and regional trends that have informed this. You will compare of the challenges of developing the sector in specific markets, with a focus on planning, finance and infrastructure, together with public-private partnerships. You should conclude by evaluating the specific challenges of developing the specific sector under consideration in the particular social, cultural, political and business environment.

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