
Comparison/Contrast Driving home the other day, I saw a bumper sticker that read, “It used to be wine, womenand song—now it’s beer, the wife and T.V.” Much truth may be found in this comparison of single and married lifestyles. When my husband and I used to date, he’d take me out twice a week, buy me flowers and we’d discuss politics, science, literature, and other lofty topics. Now, after marriage and a baby, the baby bottle has replaced the wine bottle, the smell of diapers overcomes any memory of the scent of roses, and our nights on the town are Infrequent, cherished events. But that’s okay. A little of the excitement and mystery may be gone, but there’s a feeling of security and companionship for the future I wouldn’t do without.
Classification A territory is a defended space. In the broadest sense, there are three kinds of human territory: tribal, family and personal. We evolved as tribal animals. It is our basic group, one in which everyone knows everyone. Essentially, it is now our neighborhoods, in which we feel safe. The family space is essentially a breeding ground. It is our home, but it should be noted that we focus our homes around our bedrooms and kitchens. Finally, the personal space is our traveling territory. When in public or unfamiliar surroundings, we keep a few feet between other people and us. It is meant to keep us from feeling threatened.
Process Analysis Building a compost box is a fun and easy way to make your garbage, work for you! First, build a structure out of two-by-fours and chicken wire that looks like the letter “E” on its side. It’s really two boxes without tops or one side. Using it is easy. First, sprinkle the surface of the floor with a one-inch layer of sawdust. Next, pile in two feet of organic refuse, usually kitchen leftovers or yard waste. When that is two feet high, shovel in an inch of steer manure. Continue this layering process until your pile is six feet high. Water it down once a week and after six months you will have fertilizer.

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Childhood is the time in life in which we make choices. It is a threshold to our adult lives. We may play at being firemen or doctors, but that play becomes part of our career exploration. Unlike adults, we find friends easily, as we are willing to adjust our personalities to match that of those around us. We adjust to authority as is fitting. All these choices determine who we become.