Compliance Memo for organization

Compliance Memo for organization

you are the Corporate Responsibility Officer at Shady Palms Medical Center, a non-profit health system in the Bronx. You organization is composed of a small (50 bed) hospital, a large nursing home (365 beds), and a home agency (serving 312 Medicare/Medicaid clients). Your immediate boss, Margaret Johnson, the CEO, asked you to organize the first annual Compliance Day, “Spotlight on Ethics and Compliance.” Mrs Johnson is requesting that you prepare at least one employee activity for each of the compliance elements for that day. She is making a large auditorium and the employee cafeteria available to you. The CEO is very clear that her goals for the Compliance Day are: (1) increase visibility of the Code of Conduct; (2) encourage internal reporting of ethical issues; and (3) raise awareness of compliance hotline as a tool for reporting potential ethics violations. The CEO believes that the Shady Palms employees, vendors, and agents do not necessarily understand the organization’s compliance program and she is putting you on notice.
You are expected to prepare an official memo to the CEO outlining planned activities for the Compliance Day. Describe your goals and each activity in detail including target audience and objectives or what you are trying to accomplish

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