computer science

This assignment is optional and gives you a chance to earn some extra points for this course. The points will be added to

your total score as bonus points.
Please save your work in a single HTML file hw9.html and put it on server before midnight of the day above. Check here

for instructions how to upload the files.
1. (2 points) Modify the part of the script that computes the area of the circle to compute the circle perimeter.

Your design has to have a similar layout as shown on that webpage.
2. (2 points) Evaluate the following JavaScript expressions.
You may assume that angle = 17.9, limit = 3, and result = true.
a. limit + 4 * angle
b. limit++
c. angle /= limit
d. result && ((angle < 30) || (limit != 3))
e. result == !result
3. (2 points) How the decimal value of a number x expressed in the binary system will be changed if one adds to it

a 1 on the right? For example, if x = 110 then after adding a 1 on the right it becomes x’ = 1101. Specify a relationship

between x and x’ not just for this example, but in general. Justify your answer.
4. (2 points) Write PIPPIN program for computing
w = x2 + |x|
where |x| is the absolute value of x.
5. (2 points) … for a valid HTML code of your design and nice page layout.
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