Computer science

evaluate 2 competitive pieces of software that will improve their business. You are to use Excel to do an objective evaluation.

This assignment creates the background information needed to create the buy presentation

Download the compare template and 2 example files.

Watch the the YouTube shown below on how to do this project.

Compete the compare template file for your project by putting the appropriate information about the 2 products you are comparing and the ten categories you think are important to THIS business in the Excel compare template file.

When you have completed this, save the file.

Upload the saved excel file to Blackboard.

Click submit to submit the file for grading.

You will be graded as follows:

30 did you correctly use the Excel formulas to objectively evaluate the software products?

20 did you explain why you weighted the main reasons the business needs this type of software the way you did?

15 did you explain why you weighted each piece of softwares answer to the businesses needs the way you did?

10 did you recommendation fit with the evaluation?

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