Computer science

Computer science
Answer each of the questions.
Points are: q1,q4,q10 – 4 points, q5 – 3 points, q2,q3,q6,q7,q8,q9 – 5 points
for a total of 45 points for the discussion section.
You may type your answers and submit the document, but you will need to draw your
diagrams on a separate sheet of paper. You may write your answers on the same paper
as your diagrams.
1. Networks ( Chapter 15 CSI)
Draw a diagram for each of the three network topologies, Ring, Star and Bus.
Add a gateway machine to each network and connect to create a wide-area network.
2. HTML (Chapter 16 CSI)
What is the purpose of the following HTML tags?

Sorting and Searching
3. Describe how the Sequential Search works.
Describe how the Binary Search works.
4. Describe the Selection Sort, and show the results of each pass on the following
integer array. [18, 7, 22, 9, 5]
Describe how swapping elements takes place and show the array contents after
each pass.
5.The Instant Lottery Program requires the generation of Random Numbers.
For example: n = (int) (Math.random() * (b –a + 1)) + a;
• What is the operation performed by (int) called?
• What are the values for a and b in the lottery problem?
• Math.random() returns a double number in what range?
Core Concepts
6. Declaring and assigning
• Declare an integer variable named aNumber.
• Assign it the value 107.
• Make it a named integer constant.
• Declare a decimal number of type double.
• Assign the result of A_NUMBER / 3 in a way that keeps the fractional part.
7. Describe the Java statements you used for decisions in the URL Decoding problem.
List the statement(s) and the purpose they performed.
8. Give an example of a count loop and an event loop that you used in your
programming assignments.
Which type was used in the Instant Lottery Program? How? Why?
9. Draw the top-down design of the Instant Lottery Program. Remember to show how
each method relates to the overall solution. Describe the purpose of a driver and a stub
used in testing your top-down design.
GUI Programming
10. How does Java handle responding to a button press? What are the basic steps to
follow? What is an Event and what is an Event Handler.

READ ALSO :   The first section of the chapter introduced basic systems concepts and presented a framework for distinguishing between accounting information systems and management

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