Computer sciences and Information technology of use of ict

Project description
Discuss the uses of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Higher Education.
a) Highlight on some of facilities provided by the institutions such as Network technology, Wireless technology, Computer-based application, Web-based tools, etc.
b) Show how these facilities are implemented in Anglia Ruskin University.
i) Generate some statistical data in tabular form (i.e. tables). It is inappropriate to use tables
not related to your essay. 10 Marks

ii) Include in the essay images or figures. Label, title and describe the images or figures
10 Marks
iii) Create and show a table of contents using Ms Word document Style

iv) The style of the document should include the following:
• A header on every page of the document stating your name (centered)
• A footer on every page of the document stating the page number (centered)
• Border line separating the contents of the page from a header and a footer
• Heading (sub-Heading) and body
• Page setup – left 2.0cm, right 2.0, top 2.0, bottom 2.0
• Font – heading Arial 14, body Courier New 12
• Line spacing – 1.5 10 Marks
v) Main discussion 30 Marks
vi) Conclusion 3 Marks
vii) Bibliography (i.e. book and internet); use Harvard method of referencing 2 Marks

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