Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework
Using the Association of American Educators’ four principles of ethical teachers and the Teacher Candidate Proficiencies/Professional Dispositions of the College of Education’s

Conceptual Framework (pages 12-20), compare and evaluate seven areas in which their purposes overlap.

Refer to the "Framework and Ethical Dispositions Comparison Matrix."

Address the following in the completion of the Matrix: In the left-hand column, list seven instances of overlap between the two documents by asserting the comparison of the overlapping statements. Be sure to cite each appropriately. In the right-hand column, state the priority from 1-7, (1 being the most important) you would assign this concept/disposition as an educator; state and defend your rationale. Use research from course readings and websites to support your rationale.


At least seven accurate comparison statements are present; statements are well-delineated; writer demonstrates a commanding grasp of the assignment.

At least seven statements have a corresponding priority ranking and rationale; rationale is complete and consistent; writer demonstrates a critical understanding of the assignment.

Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive. Addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.

In-text citations and a references page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of errors.

Must cite and use all resources provided in addition to any outside sources:

This link contains the four principles of ethical teachers:
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