Contemporary Business Leaders

Contemporary Business Leaders
Discuss what you learned about them as leaders and the leadership style used. Include the following in your assignment:

Describe the leader and why he/she was selected. What organizations are they affiliated with? In what industry are they recognized? How long were they in a leadership position?
Which of the leadership perspectives discussed in this topic does the selected leader demonstrate?
Identify a significant challenge the leader faced and how the challenge was handled. Did the response align more with a managerial role or a leadership role?
What was the leader’s greatest achievement?
What power base does the leader use?
Compare the leadership style used by your selected leader against that of their successor/predecessor. Was there a shift in the leadership style? Which leader do you think was more effective and why?
Talk about the attributes you hope to follow as a leader. How will these attributes be similar to or different than the leader studied?
You are required to cite 2 sources in this assignment. Provide evidence to support the leadership style your selected leader showed. This should not be completed based on an opinion.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Contemporary business leaders to choose from
Jeff Bezos
Steve Jobs
Bill Gates
Jack Welch
Indira Nooyi
Anne Mulcahy
Howard Schultz
Colleen Barrett
Larry Page
Mark Zuckerberg
Warren Buffett
Richard Branson
Susan Wojcicki
Marissa Meyer
Mary Barra

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