Corrections professionals

Corrections professionals carry an overwhelming amount of responsibilities – from housing and supervising offenders at various security levels, to

administering multiple programs and treatment for offenders, and supervising them in the community. Given the vast amount of duties they perform,

why should corrections professionals shoulder yet another such as implementing victims’ rights?
One reason is because it is the right thing to do. A second reason is illustrated by the fact that a growing number of corrections professionals

have concluded that addressing victim issues and interests in the context of the correctional system not only benefits the victim, but also the

post-conviction process. For example, parole hearings in which the victim gives an impact statement provides parole boards a fuller understanding

of the facts surrounding the crime – beyond offering a sense of the true magnitude and impact of the crime. Further, corrections professionals

should care about and enforce victims’ rights because it is the law.
Finally, in order for victims to be granted their statutory and constitutional rights in the context of the corrections system, professionals must

have the will to carry them out. Obviously, it takes will to secure both the skills and the bills necessary for implementation of victims’ rights.

But beyond this, it takes a commitment to create and maintain the systems that deliver the promise made to crime victims by the elected officials

(in the case of statutes) or the people (in the case of constitutional amendments) when they made such mandates into law.
Beatty, D., &Gregorie, T. (2003). Implementing victims’ rights: Why corrections professionals should care. Corrections Today,65(5), 78. Retrieved

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Corrections as a profession itself has evolved from seemingly unconnected jobs and agencies in the diverse settings of jails, prisons and community

corrections into a more cohesive system of organizations with a common denominator – the dynamic balance of public safety and offender

rehabilitation and correctio
LeMaster, L. (2010). Corrections as a career. Corrections Today, 72(5), 8-8,14. Retrieved from


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