Coursework Assignment?Title: Perimeter Network Security System

Coursework Assignment?Title: Perimeter Network Security System
Outline Requirements
The coursework relates primarily to Learning Outomes 2 and 3 for the module, which include the research and critical analyse security principles and methods, and

design and evaluate a system given requirements. The following scenario and specification describes the coursework.
XXXX University is based in london, and provides higher education services to its students and staff. It is located on a single campus called Merchiston. Students and

staff use the network services from hosts on various different user networks, as shown in Figure 1.

Due to an increasing number of security violations, a possible redesign of the network infrastructure is to be investigated. You are to research and consider security

enhancements focusing on the perimeter security issues, and produce an academic report. The aim of the exercise is to present a possible solution to the problem at

hand by researching the appropriate topics, and creating a prototype of the new network security infrastructure. The research and design should tackle the following

•    Provide best practice network egress and ingress filtering at the network perimeter.
•    Create a perimeter firewall, with an appropriate topology to provide the organisations services, including public web, and mail servers. The firewall should

have a closed security stance, and provide public services in a secure way. ?Additionally, a small research section should be included in the report with a literature

review on the subject of Security Device Evasion Techniques, including critical analysis of the academic literature and any technologies and tools found. This part of

the coursework will be research only and be confined to a sub-section of the Research Section (see Marking Schedule below). ?You will be required to analyze the new

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system requirements and design, implement and justify a prototype for each component of the proposed system. Your proposed system can be implemented on Cisco hardware

deployed in a physical network lab, or on the virtual networking software (such as GNS3). The system should demonstrate your mastery of the course material. Each

component of the system can be developed separately, and it is not necessary to implement an entire working system. Demonstrate your understanding, not a complete

production system.

Marking schedule
Your coursework will be marked as follow:
Introduction [10 marks]?Demonstrate an understanding of the problem specification, the challenges and research, design and implementation.
Research and Design [30 marks]?
This should show an outline of the proposed system, and the main design features.
•    Provide a short literature review for each of the proposed key components, demonstrating research from a variety of sources, and including critical analysis

and evaluation of the specialist concepts.
•    Provide design of network security system components, and justify your decisions, based on the research performed.
•    Provide a brief critical literature review of Evasion Techniques, demonstrating understanding, possibly including discussion on current issues and reflection

on how this may affect a system such as in the scenario. ?Prototype Implementation [20 marks]?
•    This should define an outline prototype implementation of the system.
??Implement the key components of the proposed network system design. Describe and show examples of your implementation including diagrams, and configuration snippets

(appendix full configurations), as there will not be practical demonstration.
Testing and Evaluation [20 marks]?
This should show testing, and outline the results of any evaluations that you have made.
•    Briefly describe and demonstrate the testing methods used, and show the outcome of the testing. Snippets of screenshots and discussion can be used.
•    Include evaluation of the systems and technologies used for each component, using references to the literature and reasoning the design was based on. ?
Conclusions [10 marks]?
This should reflect the methods you have used in the report, and assess their benefits and limitations, and any observations that you have gained.
??Draw conclusions about the network security systems created, including drawing conclusions about your design as well as the implementation and its evaluation.
References [10 marks]?
Full academic referencing of a good range of peer reviewed papers, books, web sites; using thorough Harvard referencing conventions.
??All references must be defined in an Harvard format, and should be listed at the end of the report.
??Reference all materials used, and cite every reference in the body of the report.

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The Report
•    The report should be in 11 point text with normal margins.
•    It must be completely your own work, written in your own words.
•    The document should clearly indicate how many pages there are in total.
•    All pages should be numbered.
•    Total report size should be 10-12 pages, that does not include cover page, ?references, and appendix – if any.

Criteria    Issues to be covered
Mark    Comments

Introduction    Demonstrate an understanding of the problem specification, the challenges and research scope.    __/10
Research and design    Provide significant investigative analysis and critical commentary on the specialist topics under investigation. It is not sufficient to just

show information found on the web. Your reasoned opinion is also needed in terms of the design, as well as critical evaluation of the literature. A critical awareness

of current issues and reflection on the scenario could also be included.    __/30

Implementation    Provide appropriate examples which will support and highlight your design decisions. The report should demonstrate your understanding of the

application of the specialist skills and techniques, and be written with technical accuracy.
Testing and evaluation
Demonstrate the testing methods used, and show the outcome of the testing. Include evaluation of the theory, systems and technologies used, using references to

the literature,    __/20
and reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation compared to the design and with reference to the literature.

Conclusions    The report should include a summary of the work carried out, with the main discussions findings highlighted.    __/10
References    Use of appropriate references and referencing style. Please use Harvard referencing standards specified in the     __/10

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