Creative Comunication

Creative Comunication
Self-select an example of two-dimensional creative communication e.g. a painting, graphic design,advertisement, or photograph. Your selected example must be the work must be by a known artist/designer, or part of a significant ad/brand campaign. the image chose must be capable of generating an interesting extended essay. the aim is to produce a critical analysis of your chosen visual work. the essay must show a clear development from the initial proposal Failure to show development will mean you have failed to demonstrate a learning include chosen image and bibliography. your bibliography should demonstrate understanding conventions, and refer to recommended texts. Failure to do so means failure of relevant learning outcome.
essay proposal:
the proposal form supplied must be accompanied by a colour reproduction of your chosen image, and short indicative bibliography.
the extended essay must be 2000 word, and the essay proposal 250 word. and its going to be about mona Liza and school of athens the references must be from books and you must to include pictures of the two painting

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